The FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment, acting on behalf of the National Climate Commission, undertakes to make this website accessible, in accordance with the law of July 19, 2018 on accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public authorities.

This accessibility statement applies to the website

Level of compliance

Our website partially meets the accessibility requirements described in the Web 2.1 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1), level AA compliance. Not all requirements have been met.

Accessibility statement preparation

An external audit ofaccessibility was carried out. This was a simplified analysis. 
You can consult the report by clicking on this link (FR)/ (NL)

Inaccessible content

A number of accessibility problems have been detected in the layout, navigation, colour contrasts, documents and page layout.

You will find more details in the above-mentioned report.

Suggested alternatives

If you require information that is not currently available on our website, you can contact us at CNC-NKC[at] We will do our best to provide you with the information in an accessible way, as far as possible. However, an alternative is not always available for items that are not accessible.

Contact information

If you have questions or considerations about the accessibility of our site, you can contact us using our contact form.

If you disagree with the answer, you can contact the Federal Ombudsman:

Rue de Louvain 48 Box 6

1000 Brussels
Website of the federal Ombusman

Improvement plan

Our aim is to eventually make all the content on our website accessible to everyone. The technical comments in the report will be addressed when we start developing a new website. A new accessibility audit will then be carried out.

This statement was prepared on 27 February 2024.

The declaration was last revised on 15 March 2024.